The possibilities are endless. Over the years, I’ve gone through phases where the inspiration to a design railing, crowds out all other thoughts and pushes me to pick up a pen. The images I created almost 30 years ago still move me and make me wonder, “When will I ever have the time to create these things and where will they be put to use?” At this point in my life, I’m considering just making them for the hell of it. And I just might.
This client and her husband, a CEO of a large tool manufacturer, had purchased a beautiful property in Farmington, Connecticut several years earlier and were completing the decorating process. Apparently the home was built in the 20’s by a successful playwright who wrote for Broadway. The gently curving driveway slowly guides you up to the stately redbrick house on the top of the property which is surrounded by majestic white oaks on all sides. They stand as sentries, shielding the house with their lofty canopies. It’s a beautiful piece of land which requires a handful of people to care for it.
It’s through the front door that the foyer opens up to a grand open space with the stairs on your right and the living room and sun porch on your left. Some of the wood furnishings are prime examples of the art nouveau period while others are simply comfy sofas which invite you to sit down and stay a while. The dining room was at the rear of this large entrance adjacent to the open porch on the backside of the home.